Catch & Track New Media Ads - #adwatch on Twitter
August 22, 2009
I started a new media/advertising tracking side project over on Twitter with a new account called adwatch.
I'm going to tweet references to content providers and their advertisements that I find interesting from the media that gets into my attention stream.
If you want to participate you can send me a link @adwatch, RT a post you find interesting, or you can just add your own by tagging #adwatch in your related tweets. The search stream for #adwatch is the feed I'm going to be interested in.
I've had this idea for a while to see where and how advertisers and new media content creators are coming together, and this seemed like the easiest way to get started. Plus, it is as open as possible and not something that is closed like other services.
If you have any other thoughts or ideas, please either add a comment to this post or drop me a message via adwatch @ Twitter.